04 January, 2013

Day 4


I was in a big hurry today, so much to do and so little time on my side.
I really don't like it when I don't have the time to work relaxed and without a pressure but 
today was one of those days when things just don't go according to plan.
*Click for larger image

This supposed to have a little dandelions flower decoration. But...
As you see, no sign of dandelions. I punched holes a little to soon, 
because I didn't have time to wait for clay to harden.
In the end it got some kind of stone texture.
When I captured this photos I noticed a little heart on one.
I love when this coincidence occurs when you least expect it!
(especially when you are not satisfied with your work) 

UPDATE: After the firing
*Click for larger image


What do you think?