31 January, 2013

Day 31


This is the first time I actually tried to do some burnishing.
It was fun at the beginning but it takes a lot of time, practice and patience.
Burnishing is basically rubbing the surface of the clay piece until it becomes glossy.
The burnishing tools you use need to be smooth, hard and easy to hold.

*Click for larger image

Most potters use the back of the spoon or polished stones for this technique.
Burnishing simply aligns the tiny clay particles so they will reflect the light.
This technique is highly influenced by the state of drying.
The best stage to burnish is usually at the later stage of letaherhard.
Many potters burnish the piece few times to achieve the ultimate finish.

More about burnishing .
Simon Leach video about burnishing.

*Click for larger image

30 January, 2013

Day 30


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Mixed two types of clay, pink and a little bit of white.

UPDATE: Fired 

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29 January, 2013

Day 29

Little ugly plant pot

You can see that I didn't put much effort in this one.
It's a small, ugly cactus pot but I hope for some pretty cactus in it 
so it will make a balance :)

*Click for larger image

 I really don't remember what clay this is because I didn't updated blog
exactly the same day
and I forgot it in the meanwhile.
I think it is the brown clay but we will see after the firing. :)


*Click for larger image

28 January, 2013

Day 28

Vase or lidded jar ?

This vase/lidded jar is from majolica clay.
 Lid is from the brown clay.
I punched several holes in the middle of the lid so
it can serve also as a vase.I placed some dried flowers in the middle
so you can see how it looks like.

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27 January, 2013

Day 27

Lidded jar

*Click for larger image

The base is from the pink clay 
and the lid is from the brown.

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UPDATE: fired

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26 January, 2013

Day 26

Hanging candle holder

*Click for larger image

This turned out a little funny. 
It has a big hole for the candle from the backside 
and on the top you can see a hole for attaching a twine or something else
so it can hang.

25 January, 2013

Day 25

 Pinched flower vase

*Click for larger image

UPDATE: Fired vase, unglazed
I will glaze it with the beeswax

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24 January, 2013

Day 24

Pierced candle holder

*Click for larger image

Majolica clay


* Click for larger image

23 January, 2013

Day 23

Lidded jar, vase or something else?

 Basic shape of the pot is from majolica clay and the
 lid for the pot is from the brown clay.
I think it will be nice after the firing when the contrast 
between the colors will come to expression.

*Click for larger image

I like very much the idea of a multifunctional objects. 
Especially when the design of  the objects is done well and smart, 
in other words it has to be somehow useful. 
I intended this to be a pot with the lid like yesterday, but here is the catch.
I punched the holes in the lid so it can be a vase as well.
On the last photo you can see dried pot and
the contrast between majolica and brown clay.


*Click for larger image

22 January, 2013

Day 22

Lidded jar 

*Click for larger image

 *Click for larger image 

21 January, 2013

Day 21

Pinched vase

I wanted to make a small vase with few holes for flowers. 
Base of the vase is white and the decorations are also from the white clay but
I mixed it with a different colors of the slip.
I punched a few holes beside the decoration 
and I really don't know why I've done that 
because the decoration itself has enough holes for the flowers.

*Click for larger image

But it doesn't matter, 
at the end all the holes will be filled with some kind
of the flowers, leaves, twigs or such so it will look nice.

*Click for larger image

20 January, 2013

Day 20

Hanging birdhouse

I was so enthusiastic about making a birdhouse!
I wanted to make it for a long time but each time when I was going to do it
 the flow took me in some other direction.
I must say that I didn't do any measurements or planning and I didn't  
took into consideration some things like drainage and ventilation.

*Click for larger image

This is my first so I forgive myself for
 being careless about those things and I let it be the way it is.
Next time I will make a little research about all the things that I need 
to think about when doing a birdhouse.

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Dried birdhouse

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19 January, 2013

Day 19

Cream jug

This is a small pinched jug.
I mixed some pink with white clay.
 Wonder what shade of the color will turn out after the firing.
I am hoping for some fine pastel tone.

*Click for larger image

I was focusing on the shape so I wanted to keep it simple 
 with the texture
 and I think that I mainly succeeded.  

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18 January, 2013

Day 18

Cactus pot

I started by decorating it with engobe. 
Same as yesterday, I will do some mishima.

* Click for larger image

It's not finished yet.

UPDATE: Fired pot
*Click for larger image

Same as yesterday, no mishima because 
it was difficult for me to sand the surface cause this clay is with chamotte and it started to break on the spots where I carved it. 

17 January, 2013

Day 17

Carved cactus pot

I carved the surface in a leather hard stage.
I got smarter from the other day when 
I carved it when it dried completely.

* Click for larger image

I will probably do a mishima* here.
Basically, it's the inlay technique.
You can find more about mishima here.

*Mishima is a technique of inlaying slip, underglaze,
 or even clay into a contrasting clay body, the main clay body of the pottery piece. Creating a mishima piece basically involves six steps: creating the pot, incising the design, filling the design, removing excess material, drying the piece, and firing. "

UPDATE: Fired pot
*Click for larger image

As you can see, I gave up from mishima.
 I like it this way :)

16 January, 2013

Day 16


*Click for larger image

I updated this with the second
 picture where you can see dried vase.

UPDATE: Fired vase

 * Click for larger image

15 January, 2013

Day 15

Carved pot

I mixed together brown and pink clay and started with some simple shape.
I liked it that way so I left it to dry.
When it almost completely dried
 I decided to do some carving. 
Lucky me. 

 * Click for larger image

It turned out just fine but I could save some time and effort 
by doing it in a leather hard stage.
It would be soooo much easier. 

UPDATE: Fired pot

*Click for larger image

14 January, 2013

Day 14

Hanging pink cactus pot

 * Click for larger image

UPDATE: Fired pot
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13 January, 2013

Day 13

Hanging luminary

This will be a pinch pot luminary.
I've gone too far with decorating surface on this one. Again.
I punched two big holes from the side so it can hang also.
I'm not much satisfied with this one.
Too much of everything.

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UPDATE: Fired luminary
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12 January, 2013

Day 12

Brown cactus pot

*Click for larger image

Heavy texture that reminds me of corals.

UPDATE: Fired pot

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11 January, 2013

Day 11

Hanging bell 

This is my first ceramic bell!
 I think it turned out just fine for the first time.
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UPDATE: Fired bell
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10 January, 2013

Day 10

Cactus pot

*Click for larger image

I used white clay and green engobe on this one.

UPDATED: Fired pot
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09 January, 2013

Day 9

Crack pot

This time I mixed two different types of clay, majolica and brown.
This particular brown clay has 25 % of chamotte and the grain size is 0-0,2 mm.
Again, I overlaid the inside of the pot.
 This time with white clay.
*Click for larger image

I persisted in creating cracks while at the same time
 I had difficulty with forming the shape and I am not satisfied with this one.
It cracked a litte bit too much.
At one moment it almost fell apart complerely but I saved it!
This happens when you have problems with control
 and when you are not able to stop at the right moment.

UPDATE: Fired pot
*Click for larger image

The edge of the pot was to thick so it cracked at some points during 
drying. I then tore it completely so it can be equal.

08 January, 2013

Day 8

Crack pot

* Click for larger image

I started with shaping the majolica clay. It took me a while till I got 
all the cracks and structure that I intended to achieve.
 I overlaid the inside of the pot with brown clay. 
Wonder what it will look like after the firing.

UPDATE: fired pot
*Click for larger image

07 January, 2013

Day 7

Hanging plant pot or candle holder?

Basic shape from the white clay.
I created simple surface texture and I highlighted it with engobes.
This will be a hanging pinch pot 
therefore I punched holes from the side.
*Click for larger image

 It can be a pot for some lovely cactus 
or maybe a holder for a candle.

UPDATE: After the firing

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